Protect and Preserve Your Greatest Form of Wellth

What if there was one platform where you could protect your future healthcare decisions, preserve your quality of life and have access to a nationwide network of estate planning lawyers?

Welcome to MedicalFreedmPlanning.Com


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U.S America flag

You are more than a label, a diagnosis or a statistic. You are an individual with beliefs, values, and a rich history that makes you who you are. You possess your own mindset and desires regarding your care if you are no longer able to express you wishes. You deserve a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional advance directives and supports you to create a customized life plan that adequately captures who you are.

What happens to your pet if something happens to you? Sadly, more than 500,000 pets are euthanized each year because of a failure to plan for their care in case the unexpected occurs. At Medical FreedomPlanning.Com, we recognize the importance of including custom language in you advance directives to protect your furry family members and ensure they maintain their current quality of life even if you are no longer able to care for them.

black white and brown short coated dog
black white and brown short coated dog
Companion Animal Advance planning
Life Planning Services
selective focus photography of black pen on book
selective focus photography of black pen on book

As a medical freedom loving American,you represent almost 40% of the population who recognize the value of holistic health. Yet, conventional doctors fail to inquire whether their patients use complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) in conjunction with, or as an alternative to conventional medicine. Moreover a majority of lawyers fail to question, or even consider,alternative therapies, due to a lack of awareness. That was our inspiration in create the only platform dedicated to protect your holistic care wishes, no matter what the future holds.

Holistic Health Directives

Your quality of life should be determined by you. The people and things that are most significant to you are part of your greatest wellth. Life planning goes beyond your health and finances, and supports your ability to capture and preserve your thoughts, beliefs, values and relationships. We assist you in the preparation of letters, directives, documents, audios and videos that most adequately represent the the best part of your life. We also network with lawyers throughout the country to ensure that your documents are fully compliant with your state's law,

book on top of table and body of water
book on top of table and body of water

Life Planning To Capture and Preserve What Matters Most